Raptronic Process Engineering – jury within EBEC



Alongside BEST – Board of European Students of Technology, we support the creativity, passion, engineering and management skills of students, through EBEC, the largest engineering competition in Europe.

The main goal of the competition is to help students develop, improve and test their knowledge and engineering skills, but also to overcome their limits by solving some interdisciplinary technological challenges. EBEC is a competition on 3 levels: local, national or regional and international, which brings together almost 6,500 students from various European Universities, based on teams divided into two categories: Team Design and Case Study.

Case study is a theoretical challenge in which competitors have to solve a specific problem. It involves creating and presenting a technological solution to a current engineering, economic and social problem. Team Design is a practical challenge that involves designing, creating and presenting a prototype model that successfully meets specific construction and operating criteria. In both tests the participants have a limited time and resources.

Both in the local phase that took place in March and in the regional phase in April, we judged the Team Design category. This year was a special one, because for the first time, the five teams designed their solutions in our company’s 3D modeling software. In the regional stage, EBEC Romania and the Republic of Moldova, the five teams, namely Aerostorm, Glitches, Enjinirs, Rampage and Emec, had to make a prototype bicycle, designed especially for people with locomotor disabilities. We wanted the teams to create a model that perfectly fits the needs of people with locomotor problems, to be efficient, safe, easy to use and install and comfortable. The four tie-breaking criteria were design, ingenuity, presentation and teamwork. We analyzed the pros and cons of each prototype and each team and wisely chose the winning team. It will compete in a final round, in the international stage, where the best 120 students in Europe, will have the opportunity to accumulate and share knowledge about the world of technology.

We are honored that we had the opportunity to judge such a competition and to contribute to the development of students’ engineering knowledge. We wish good luck to the selected students, and we look forward to the opportunity to judge again!

 +40 372 713 671

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