Start your engineer career!



Are you looking for international experience within a local company?

Do you want to participate in projects where your contribution matters?

Do you need mentors to meet your professional goals?

We are looking for courageous, creative and technology-savvy colleagues who want to work with us over the summer and in the future!

  • 3 places for students or master students in the last two years of study at the faculty of:
    • Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, specializing in electrical engineering and automation
  • 3 places for students or master students in the last two years of study at faculties of:
    • Product design and environment
    • Mechanical engineering
    • Engineering and industrial management
    • Materials Science and Engineering
    • Construction, specializing in building installations

Send your cv and a cover letter at

Join our team or help us meet those who would like to join us!

 +40 372 713 671

How can we help?

Use our industrial building configurator if you don’t yet have a clear concept of your project. We’ll get back to you as quickly as we can with an offer.

I would like to receive a tender, but I do not have the project.

No problem, you can use our building configurator by clicking the button below.

I would like to receive a tender and I do have the project.

Please complete the following form by clicking below and we will send you a tender as soon as possible.

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