RAP Development, community development



Living the common values regarding an active support for the local community, RAP Development has helped financing many important projects for the cultural, educational, sporting and social development of the community, throughout the year.

One of the projects is called Bookland. This project managed to reach millions of young Romanian people from all over the country and remind them of the first steps they must take in order to take control of their future. Reading is the most effective form of freedom, thought and action. Bookland has organized National Book Caravans in all the main cities. Through the “Bookland Evolution” conferences, they met over one million students, helping them in their personal development. Already a tradition, the Bookland Cooltural Camp combines the memory of former camps with the contemporary “must”. In Practice, the platform for internships, traineeship, part-time jobs and volunteering, completes the theoretical offer that BookLand Evolution presents to young people.

RAP Development also contributed to the excellence of education by financially assisting eight students from Brasov to take part in a national event for Physics, Astronomy and Astrophysics “Marin Dacian Bica”, Voroneț. We also contributed to reward the students of Dr. Ioan Meșotă highschool, who had outstanding results in national and international school competitions. The preschoolers were not forgotten either, RAP Development contributing to the organization of the year-end celebration for the children from Kindergarten no. 8, thus giving them the opportunity to celebrate in a fun and festive way.

The company is also passionate about social causes, supporting the three projects selected for funding by the 7th Edition of Circle of Donors, Brașov Community Foundation: “Together we warm souls”, proposed by the Bucuria Darului Foundation, Brașov, the project “MAMA 24/24”, proposed by the Social Services Association SCUT and the project “Smile again, with your help”, proposed by the Local Initiative Group. Another cause was a medical case for which Rap Development paid the amount needed to consult a cancer patient in a specialist clinic in Germany.

According to the “mens sana in corpore sano” principle, the importance of sports activities has not been neglected. Thus Rap Development sponsored the activity of the Aiki Karate Sports Club in Brașov, a children’s karate club and also financially contributed to the participation of very young riders from the Prague Racing Sports Club, in a karting competition. The company also contributed to the organization of the table tennis competition “Ionuț Nica Memorial” from Cheile Grădiștei and to a competition organized by ACS TT Energy Brasov Table Tennis. Both competitions were held in memory of our colleague Ionuț Nica.

Another interesting and demanding competition, organized with the support provided by RAP Development and attended by our colleagues, was fishing in Bucovina Carp, the first edition of the RAP Cup – Sânpaul 2019.

RAP Group is fully connected with the rhythm and the needs of the community and will continue to actively support projects aligned with its values, focusing on education and sustainable development.The company also contributed to the organization of the table tennis competition “Ionuț Nica Memorial” from Cheile Grădiștei and to a competition organized by ACS TT Energy Brasov Table Tennis. Both competitions were held in memory of our colleague Ionuț Nica.

Another interesting and demanding competition, organized also by the support provided by RAP Development, which was attended by our colleagues and colleagues, was the sport fishing in Bucovina Carp, the first edition of the RAP Cup – Sânpaul 2019.

RAP Group is fully connected to the rhythm and needs of the company and will continue to actively support projects aligned to its members’ education values ​​and sustainable community development.

 +40 372 713 671

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